I used to worry myself silly that i wasn’t good enough or smart enough or beautiful enough, or brainy enough, or fit enough or skinny, enough or just enough of anything, I was constantly trying so hard to fit in and be liked and accepted by everyone, measuring up to everyone else's standards and expectations. I was trying so desperately to be the perfect daughter, wife, sister, aunty, friend, sister-in-law, cousin............ I forgot who I was and became a completely different person.
These days I'm just me, completely me, the beautiful, the smart, the funny, the curvy, the not so fit, the whole and the completely imperfectly perfect me. I've let go of trying so hard to be someone I’m not because honestly its freaking exhausting, no longer wearing the mask of acceptance and measuring up to other expectations is freeing, letting go of judgment is liberating, releasing the worry that you’re not enough is such a weight off the shoulders. Love me and accept me for me. This one and only life is a gift don’t waste this precious gift worrying if your enough for everyone else, and if you measure up to someone else standards, focus on being enough for you and the ones that matter will love you whole heartedly for you.
Go Reclaim your Power and fully live this amazing life you've been gifted.
As always with love and Light. Rachel. Xxx