I realised yesterday that its been exactly 2 years since i finally received a medical diagnosis of why i was feeling so tired and in so much pain, finally I took myself to the hospital and received the care and investigations i had been needing, i had the hardest word in the world to pronounce "Diverticulitis" but at least i finally had a diagnosis and something to work from to start the healing journey. I was relieved it wasn't all in my head, as some Doctors had said to me, and i was relieved it wasn't Endometriosis again, i didn't want to go through another surgery and recovery process.

Below is a more in depth video, it is around 8 minutes long but worth the time, to fully watch, I have made some pretty massive dietary and lifestyle changes, following that 12 hours in the hospital Emergency Dept. it was a huge wake up call and another example of "you don't know what you don't know" it really made me think how many other women/humans out there are going through life struggling in constant pain or constantly feeling drained of energy, but just putting up with it thinking its just part of life, or worse being told its just in your head.
Through different resources and supports i discovered the reason behind my Diverticulitis was becauce i was intolerant to Dairy, Eggs, Yeast and Cashews...............WOW Right, Crazy, my mind was blown and completely expanded, it's now been 2 years this month since that life changing day in hospital.
Now i'm on a mission to share everything ive learned on my healing and complete lifestyle change journey with as many peple as i can, becauce i believe nobody deserves to suffer, this life is ours to ebrace and live it fully, every day is blessing we get to receive.
With Love and Light Rachel. Xxx